Article IX


Section 1.


Proposed amendments to the Constitution may be submitted to the Annual Convention either by request of the Executive Committee or the Convention, or by request of a local. All amendments shall bear the signature of at least two (2) elected officers of the local introducing the amendment. The officers signing the amendment shall certify that the amendment was approved for submission to the Convention by the Executive Board or membership of the local.

Section 2.

Referendum Vote

Proposed amendments may be submitted to a referendum vote under the procedure set up in Article X.

Section 3.

Time Limitations

If a proposed amendment is to be submitted to a National Convention, it must reach the National Office ninety (90) days prior to the National Convention and must be sent by the National Office to the locals sixty (60) days prior to the National Convention.

Section 4.

2/3 Vote Requirement

The Constitution shall be amended at the Convention by two thirds of the votes cast.

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