Diocesan Elementary Teachers Association  Constitution
adopted by membership May 31, 1994

Article I - Organization Name
Article II - Aims And Objectives
Article III - Membership
Article IV Officers and Executive Board
Article V - Duties of Officers and Representatives
Article VI - Committees
Article VII - Elections
Article VIII - Meetings
Article IX - Finances
Article X - Constitutional Amendments
Article XI - By-Laws
Article XII - Rules of Order

Diocesan Elementary Teachers Association
Constitution - Article I - Organization Name

This organization shall be known as the diocesan Elementary Teachers Association, Local 1, and is affilited with the National Association of Catholic School Teachers.

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Diocesan Elementary Teachers Association
Constitution - Article II - Aims and Objectives

In order to achieve professional status for the lay teachers of the schools throughout the diocese of Buffalo, the Diocesan Elementary Teachers Association resolves:

Section 1. To improve the quality of education in our schools by securing the conditions essential to the best professional service and the most effective learning environment.

Section 2. To secure improved wages, hours, working conditions and other economic advantages through organization, negotiation and collective bargaining to protect the rights of all lay-teachers.

Section 3. To unite into one group all Elementary lay teachers employed in Catholic schools within the Diocese of Buffalo.

Section 4. To work in cooperation with other interested organizations to advance the interests of Catholic education, to improve the quality of education and to secure legislation that will provide adequate financial support of the Catholic School System.

Section 5. To act as the representative for all lay-teachers in matters affecting these lay teachers in the School System.

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Diocesan Elementary Teachers Association
Constitution - Article III - Membership

Section 1. All lay-teachers shall be eligible for membership in this Association. Applicants for membership in this organization whose employment status is not clearly defined under the provisions of this Constitution may be elected to membership by a majority vote of the Executive Board.

Section 2. Supervisory personnel with the rank of principal or above shall not obtain membership. Assistant (or vice) principals with powers directly affecting the employment of teachers shall not obtain membership. Members who are promoted to these positions are automatically removed from active membership on the effective date of the promotion.

Section 3. No discrimination shall be shown toward individual members or applicants for membership because of race, religious faith, sex, age, state of life, or political activities and application.

Section 4. A member may be suspended, expelled or otherwise disciplined for acts detrimental to the Association. Such disciplinary action shall be subject to the provisions of By-Laws of the Constitution.

Section 5. Any member who fails to pay dues as required by the By-Laws shall be removed as a Member but may be reinstated upon the payment of dues as required in the By-Laws for reinstatement.

Section 6. Voting privileges shall be granted only to those members in good standing of the bargaining unit present at the ratification meeting.

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Diocesan Elementary Teachers Association
Constitution - Article IV - Officers and Executive Board

Section 1.  The officers of this organization shall be president, executive vice-president, recording secretary, treasurer, and nine (9) vice-presidents.

Section 2.  The vice-presidents shall consist of nine (9) elected from the elementary schools.

Section 3.  The term of office shall be for two years.

Section 4.  It shall be the duty of the Executive Board to execute the policy determined by the members or by the Board and the Board shall have the sole power to do so unless specifically restricted in and by this Constitution.

Section 5.  The Executive Board shall have the power to carry on all the business and the affairs of this organization including, but not limited to the following:

a. To sue and be sued, complain and defend, on behalf of and for the use of the organization.
b. To employ and/or retain attorneys and counselors to advise the Members, the Executive Board, the offivers and/or the employees of the organization on all metters pertaining to the organization business and/or affairs.
c. To purchase, take, receive, lease as leasee, take any gift, device, or bequest, or otherwise acquire and to own, hold, use, deal in or with, any real or personal property, and/or any interest therein for and by the organization.
d. To sell, convey, mortgage, pledge, lease as leaser, and otherwise dispose of all or any part of property and assets of the organization.
e. To approve an annual budget which shall then constitute the Board's approval of expenditures of the type and amount contained therein, and to revise that budget as and when it deems such revisions necessary and/or proper; and
f. To do anything they deem necessary or appropriate to the exerciese of the foregoing power(s) or any other power not specifically granted to and limited to any other body or officer in and by this Constitution only.
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Diocesan Elementary Teachers Association
Constitution - Article V - Duties of Officers and Representatives

Section 1.  The duties of the officers and other members of the Executive Board shall be as, follows:

a. The President shall:

(1). Act as chairperson or designate a chairperson, in the absence of the executive vice-president for all regular general membership and special meetings and Executive Board meetings.
(2). Appoint, with the approval of the Executive Board, chairpersons of all standing and specific committees with the exception of Elections Committee.
(3). Be a member, ex-officio, of all standing and special committees,
(4). Be a co-signer on all legally or financially binding documents of this organization
(5). Serve on any Negotiating Committee
(6). Represent the viewpoint of this organization to legislative and other groups, and to the public.
b. The Executive Vice-President shall:
(1). Act as chairperson for all regular membership meetings, special meetings, and executive board meetings in the absence of the president.
(2). serve on any negotiating committee
(3). Act as chairperson for the grievance committee
(4). Fullfill all duties of the president if he becomes incapacitated, resigns, or is suspended.
c. Each of the vice-presidents shall:
(1). Assist the president in coordinating the activities and functions of the building reps
(2). Be especially responsible for handling various executive board comrnittee assignments and special projects
d. The recording Secretary shall:
(1). Keep an accurate record, of all regular general membership meetings and special meetings
(2). Prepare and keep an accurate record of all Executive Board meetings
(3). Report on the minutes of the Executive Board meetings.
(4). Be a member ex-officio of all negotiating meet ings and keep accurate records of each meeting
(5). Assist with the correspondence of the organization

e. The Treasurer shall:

(1). Supervise the collection and receive all dues and other funds due this organization
(2). Make all payments for authorized obligations of this organization
(3). Prepare an annual operating budget and maintain financial records of this organization
(4). Prepare an annual financial report.
(5). Make financial reports to the Executive Board and at membership meetings.
(6). Be a co-signer on all financially binding documents of this organization.
(7). Make recommendations to the Executive Board regarding major purchases of equipment, contracts, and/or leases entered into by this

f. The Executive Board shall:

(1). Attend all Executive Board meetings. Absence without reason from three consecutive Executive Board meetings or constant absence, shall be cause for removal from the Executive Board.
(2). Attend all regular and special meetings
(3). Make recommendations to the membership on policy and/or action to be taken by this organization
(4). Hear complaints against members and investigate if necessary

g. The Building Representative shall:

(1). Chair all building meetings which shall be called at the discretion or at the request of one-third (1/3) of the members of his/her school.
(2). Be responsible for the DETA bulletin board in the school.
(3). Process all grievances when requested by teachers in keeping with the terms of the contract.
(4). Attend or send alternate to the building representative meetings, regular and special membership meetings, and any other meetings they are requested to attend.
(5). Be responsible for the distribution of all information from the DETA office to teachers in the school
(6). Take responsibility for the conduct of all elections held in the school.
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Diocesan Elementary Teachers Association
Constitution - Article VI - Committees

Section 1.  The following standing committees shall be active in this Association:

a. Elections
b. Grievance
c. Financial
d. Elementary Negotiating
e. Membership
f. Publications
g. Education and Professional Assistance and Development
Section  2. Special committees shall be appointed at the discretion of the President. Such committees shall begin to function immediately but must be approved by the Executive Board within thirty (30) days. The need for such committees must be renewed and approved on a yearly basis by the Exective Board.

Section 3. The negotiating committees shall be approved by the President and by the Executive Board.

Section 4. The Chairman of the Elections Committee shall be nominated and elected by the Executive Board. The Chairman of the Elections Committee shall appoint two other members of that committee. No member of the election committee shall be a candidate in that election.

Section 5. Chairpersons of each of the standing committees and all special committees shall be appointed by the President with the exception of the Grievance Committee, for one year.

Section 6. Members of each committee shall be appointed by the chairman of the committee with the consent of. the Executive Board.

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Diocesan Elementary Teachers Association
Constitution - Article VII - Elections

Section 1. All members of the Executive Board shall be elected by the active membership in good standing for a two year term in May 31, 1994. That Board shall remain in office until the elections for 1995-96 school year.

Section 2. The newly elected president and executive vice-president shall be granted voting membership on the present board upon certification of the election or until their term of office begins.

Section 3. Active membership for at least two months is re- quired to hold office

Section 4. Nominations for the positions on the executive board shall be conducted by the election committee during March.

Section 5. Nominations shall be made by the Election Committee. The name of any qualified member designated in writing by a signedpetition of ten (10) or more active members shall also beplaced in nomination provided said petition bears the written acceptance of said candidate. Any write-in candidate must receive at least ten (10) votes to win any office.

Section 6. Ballots shall be prepared and sent to each active member in good standing within fifteen (15) days following the deadline for nominations. The ballots shall be returned to the Election Committee no later than fifteen (15) days from the date originally sent to the members. The nine Vice-Presidents shall be elected only by those active members. The candidates receiving a plurality of votes cast shall be declared elected.

Section 7. Vacancies shall be filled by the President with the advice and approval of the Executive Board. A presidential vacancy will be filled by the Executive Vice-President for the remainder of the un-expired term.

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Diocesan Elementary Teachers Association
Constitution - Article VIII - Meetings

Section 1. There shall be at least one general membership meeting in each year which shall be in October. Additional meetings may be called by the President or a majority of the Executive Board.

Section 2. The Executive Board shall meet at least once every month. A special meeting shall be called at the request of any
three (3) members of the Executive Board

Section 3. Notice of a general membership meeting must be given between ten (10 ) and thirty (30 ) days before the meeting is scheduled with a tentative agenda sent with the notice. Items that the rank and file want included on the agenda could be phoned into the Association office.

Section 4. A quorum shall consist of 10% of the general member ship. A quorum of the Executive Board shall consist of (1/3) one third of its mernbers.

Section 5. For ratification meetings, members must be notified at least twenty-four (24 ) hours in advance. All collective bargaining agreements must be ratified by a majority vote taken among the active members in good standing present at the ratification meeting.

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Diocesan Elementary Teachers Association
Constitution - Article IX - Finances

Section 1. Any change in the amount of regular dues and other fees must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members present at a General Meeting.  No motions to change dues may be introduced unless the membership is notified in wiritng of such proposal ten to thirty days (10 to 30) in advance.

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Diocesan Elementary Teachers Association
Constitution - Article X - Constitutional Amendments

Section 1. Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed by the Executive Board or by petition of ten (10) members of the Association.

Section 2. The Recording Secretary shall give written notification of proposed amendments to the membership ten to thirty (10 to 30) days prior to the membership meetings.

Section 3. This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a regular or a special metting provided a quorum of one-fourth (1/4) of the membership is present.

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Diocesan Elementary Teachers Association
Constitution - Article XI - By-Laws

Section 1. By-Laws to implement this Constitution shall be enacted by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the active members present at the membership meeting.

Section 2. A complaint against a member or officer shall be resolved as follows:

a. The Executive Board will be notified of the complaint
b. The Executive Board will hear the complaint
c. A favorable vote of one-third (1/3) of the entire Board decides if it shall go to committee
d. The committee shall consist of five (5) members in good standing approved by the majority of the Board
e. The committee shall report its findings within the reasonable time set forth by the Board.
f. The majority of the entire Board shall decide the action
g. If the complaint is against a Board member that person shall be excluded form the vote on the issue
Section 3. Before a person can be reinstated for failure to pay dues, the person must pay all dues woed according to the Association Agreement.

Section 4. Any teacher wishing to become a Building Rep is to notify the Executive Board and the President so an election can be held at that school.  If no names are submitted, the President shall appoint a Rep

Section 5. Any teacher from a non-negotiating school may become a member of the Association with all rights.  Dues for such a person will be set by the Executive Board.

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Diocesan Elementary Teachers Association
Constitution - Article XII - Rules of Order

Section 1. Roberts Rules of Order Revised shall govern in all cases not covered by this Constitution or the By-Laws of this local Federation.

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Adopted by the Membership: May 31, 1994
President, /s/ Mary Jo Dudek
Recording Secretary, /s/ Laurie Herts