Altoona-Johnstown Catholic School Teachers Association
Current Contract - Article 9 - Displaced Teachers

"Displaced Teacher" shall mean a teacher whose position has been eliminated because of constriction, which means reduction in staff. In the event that layoffs cause reduction in academic departments, it is agreed that teachers be eliminated according to seniority. If a position held by a tenured teacher is eliminated, said teacher has the right to a position within that teacher's area of competency in the same school if that position is held by a teacher with less seniority.

A list of all displaced tenured teachers shall be compiled by area of competency and school seniority. A list of all displaced non-tenured teachers shall be compiled listing the area of competency and years of seniority of each teacher. These lists shall be distributed by the Director of Education to each principal and the Association.

The displaced teacher shall notify the building principal in writing of his/her desire to remain on the displaced list by June I of each year. The principal shall, in turn, notify the Association within two (2) weeks of receiving this notice. If notification is not received, the individual's name will be removed from the displaced teacher list. A teacher will also be removed from the list in these instances:

1. He/she refuses a full time position in his/her area of competency at the school from which he/she was displaced.
2. He/she reftses two (2) full time positions in his/her area of competency at two (2) different high schools in the Diocese.
The principal shall provide the Association with notice in writing of all new and all replacement openings of full time teachers within the school.  Notification of such openings shall be posted on the Association bulletin board in each school. No new teacher shall be employed to fill a vacancy until all displaced tenured teachers with the appropriate competency have been granted the opportunity to fill the position.

In the event that an opening or openings occur within the bargaining unit, it shall be the responsibility of the Association and the Director of the Education to notify displaced teachers whose area of competency qualifies them to fill the opening. The displaced tenured teacher then has ten (10) days to respond to said position.

It shall be the responsibility of the Diocese to offer said teacher the opportunity to fill the opening provided that the teacher's area of competency qualifies him/her to fill such opening. In the event that more than one displaced tenured teacher is qualified and applies for such position, it shall be offered on the basis of seniority.

In the event that the Diocese is unable to fill the opening with a qualified teacher with tenure, a non-tenured teacher then has ten (10) days to apply for said position.

In the event it becomes necessary to reduce teacher personnel during the course of any school year, any non-probationary teacher with at least one (1) year of school seniority shall be entitled to severance pay equal to two-tenths (2/10) of such teacher's annual salary. Severance pay is in lieu of any and all other remedies and is the exclusive remedy to a teacher whose employment is terminated during the school year.

If teachers are going to be constricted, they shall be notified by April 1. Tenured teachers notifled of constriction after April I are entitled to severance pay of a month's salary for each month up to a maximum of flve (5) months.

The Employer shall present each teacher with a personal contract for the succeeding school year on or before May 25. If a contract is not signed by the last day of school, it shall be presumed that the teacher does not intend to return to the school for the following school year.  Included with the contract shall be the seniority level, salary, number of total sick days, and the proposed courses to be taught for the contract year.

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